

くだらねぇと 吐き捨てても 変われない 自分がいる
顔上げて 踏み出すしか ないんだとわかってるけど

ごまかせないのは 悔しさの涙
邪魔させないから 俺たちの明日

強く 強く 高く 飛べるはずさ
最大に 地面蹴り上げて

追いかけて 追いかけて
ひたすらに この夢を

駆け出して 駆け出して
がむしゃらな まなざしを

情けねぇと 言われなくても 気付いてる 自分がいた
曲げたくない心だけが 明日を繋ぐ まなざし

ありのまま 生きて 思い知る 弱さ
あきらめない事 信じ抜く事

強く 強く 高く 飛べるはずさ
何度も 地面蹴り上げて

追いかけて 追いかけて
ひたすらに この夢を

駆け出して 駆け出して
真っ直ぐに 道なき道を
譲れない まなざしを

迷い 苦しみ 捨て去るなら 明日はないから
たとえ どんな 困難が 道をとざしても
いつかは いつかは 無限の空を越えて・・・

追いかけて 追いかけて
ひたすらに この夢を

駆け出して 駆け出して
真っ直ぐに 道なき道を
がむしゃらな まなざしを

追いかけて 追いかけて
ひたすらに この夢を

駆け出して 駆け出して
真っ直ぐに 道なき道を
がむしゃらな まなざしを




Even if they say I am worthless, I can’t change, I am here
Though I know that there’s nothing left but to raise my head and take a step forward

Not being able to deceive is the tear of regret
Because we won’t be hindered Our tomorrow

I’ll definitely be able to fly strongly, strongly, highly
I’ll get off from the ground the greatest

I’ll chase I’ll chase
Determined This dream
I don’t need a grandiose map

Running off Running off
Straight the trackless path
Reckless look
To tomorrow

I don’t have to be called miserable to be aware of it, I was there
I don’t want to bend The look which only my heart connects to tomorrow

Living as it is Realizing my weakness
Not giving up Continuing to believe

I’ll definitely be able to fly strongly, strongly, highly
I’ll get off from the ground many times

I’ll chase I’ll chase
Determined This dream
Endless hope in my heart

Running off Running off
Straight the trackless path
Not surrendering look
To tomorrow

If you abandon hesitation and pain Because there’s no tomorrow
Whatever difficulties will lock the way
Someday Someday I will exceed to the infinite sky

I’ll chase I’ll chase
Determined This dream
I don’t need a grandiose map

Running off Running off
Straight the trackless path
Reckless look

I’ll chase I’ll chase
Determined This dream
I don’t need a grandiose map

Running off Running off
Straight the trackless path
Reckless look
To tomorrow

-Honey L Days-

Crushed Chicken, anyone?

Allahu Allah… Woke up today to a hectic start. Prepared lunch and breakfast, packed lunch, showered and got ready for today’s class. After 3 months of striving and staying up late, today was the day. It was my last and final presentation in front of the lecturers and the whole class for this semester.

But, who know me really well know that I don’t like to be in a rush. Since I was way behind schedule, I rode my bike at top speed, and somehow on the way I managed to lose my lunch, vitamins and medications. Great~

To make the whole story short, I’m just, happy I finished presenting and found my ‘lost’ lunch. I present to you guys, Crushed Chicken Tom Yam. ~~~


Oh yeah, it was snowing heavily today, so as you can see, my once yellow bag has turned black due to the snow and ofcourse, being run over by who knows how many cars~ Tisk, tisk.


İ am literally freaking out here. İ’ve talked to 3 different generations, and it’s not helping.

But, when you get a message like this, and İ quote,

Yes, İ see the panic in you. Calm you must.

and that moment when you’re asleep and your besties calls you in the middle of the night just to share some laughs, loosen things up,

and Then, when you call your mother the next day and confide in her, all she had to say was,

İ also don’t know what to do, but just pray to Allah and see what’s best. He will give the answers. Try to read the du’a* İ taught you.

Totally priceless. Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for sending me these precious gems into my life :’)

The du’a

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Nothing much

Hmm just felt like writing something. Even if you have all the skilled motivators and best friends around you to help, but if you don’t turn to Allah, nothing will be solved. That’s a fact.

I kinda have a lot on my mind right now, and just want it all to be settled as soon as possible. Thank you 🙂

in a rush

sometimes we do things because we really understand what it means. but sometimes we just do it out of love, anger, sympathy or just wanting to feel the excitement—namely our emotions. example?

people gathering and doing a demo in front of the station, embassy or any other public place. how would you feel? i bet every passerby would be curious to find put what’s happenin’ ‘aite?

same thing goes for trying to boycott israel’s products and companies. some do it because they really care for palestinians and understand the need to fight back and help. not because of religion, or hatred towards the opposition, but out of respect and because it’s the only humane thing to do. other’s are boycotting because of anger. but a friendly reminder from me, God never taught us to hate others because of their wrongdoings BUT we’re supposed to hate the actions.

so, before you do anything, ask yourself, what am i doing here? am i really here for the people or just wanting to feel like ‘oh, i was there, you guys shoulda seen me shoutin my lungs out~’.

just my two cents, hence no editing. gotta go, have exams tomorrow!

Something Wonderful

Something wonderful…
To chase it all away
For the women of the world, because women are the world
Mixing my emotions… to close the bad again
I’m just letting you know…
I’m tryna be a good man I can’t speak for the others
Know the saying heaven lies at the feet of your mother
Mine showed me the definition of hard work and
Smiles through her tears even though her heart’s hurting
Speaks her mind and never ever bites her tongue
I guess today you can say I’m just like my mum
Great grandmother was in Beirut in ’82
In a flat when it got invaded by Israeli troops
Sleeping in the hallway for shelter from the bullets
And that’s why I’ll always respect her to the fullest
Physically gone, all memories are kept in a picture
In Baghdad my nan slept with a Beretta in her slipper
You’re judged as a man by everything you amount to
And the respect that you show the women around you
So think about that stuff when you diss her
That’s somebody’s daughter, somebody’s mother and somebody’s sister
Something wonderful…
To chase it all away
Mixing my emotions.. to close the bad again
I’m not claiming to be perfect I know what a curve is
But a woman’s worth isn’t just on the surface
I see too many young women craving affection
Degrading themselves for a male’s attention
I know it’s love that you’re certain that you felt
But messing with these different guys you’re just searching for yourself
Would it whore-ish to boast how high your score is
When a man does it, a player is what you call him
What if it’s all just lies when she talks to guys
Displays promiscuous ways like it’s all alright
Would it make you squirm if the tables turned
Is that really what it would take to make you learn
You’re judged as a man by everything you amount to
And the respect that you shown the women around you
So think about that stuff when you diss her
That’s somebody’s daughter, somebody’s mother and somebody’s sister
I said think about that stuff when you diss her
That’s somebody’s daughter, somebody’s mother and somebody
Something wonderful…
To chase it all away
For the women of the world, because women are the world
Mixing my emotions
I’m just letting you know…

Something wonderful…
To chase it all away
Mixing my emotions.. to close the bad again
Certain things are too deep to put in a verse
Let me apologise to every single woman I’ve heart
Or disrespected whether family members or ex’s
I wanna make amends for however I left it
Men make them, but the women get harmed in wars
I pray for a heart as pure as Assata Shakur’s
We put them down on the pedestal we should put them
Behind every good man, there’s a good women
Betty Shabazz lost her husband to the handguns
And lost her life when her house was burned down by her grandson
Capila saw her father murdered when the hammers passed
So I feel her pain when she tried to murder Farenga
You’re judged as a man by everything you amount to
And the respect that you shown the women around you
So think about that stuff when you diss her
That’s somebody’s daughter, somebody’s mother and somebody’s sister
I said think about that stuff when you diss her
That’s somebody’s daughter, somebody’s mother and somebody

Something Wonderful-Lowkey

Sedar tak sedar minggu depan dah ada satu test. Sekarang dah start balik lewat, Tanggungjawab makin banyak, kerja pun bertambah… Semoga kita terus kuat untuk harungi hari-hari yang akan datang, insyaAllah 🙂

Pengubat hati

يٰأَيُّهَا الَّذينَ ءامَنوا كونوا أَنصارَ اللَّهِ كَما قالَ عيسَى ابنُ مَريَمَ لِلحَوارِيّۦنَ مَن أَنصارى إِلَى اللَّهِ ۖ قالَ الحَوارِيّونَ نَحنُ أَنصارُ اللَّهِ ۖ فَـٔامَنَت طائِفَةٌ مِن بَنى إِسرٰءيلَ وَكَفَرَت طائِفَةٌ ۖ فَأَيَّدنَا الَّذينَ ءامَنوا عَلىٰ عَدُوِّهِم فَأَصبَحوا ظٰهِرينَ

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